With the help from our generous partners, we are making college a reality for low-income and first-generation students!
Your name or business will be listed under our Giving Partner Circle Page
Social media and community recognition through our newsletter (over 2K subscribers)
Your name or business will be listed under our Donate Page
Social media and community recognition through our newsletter (over 2K subscribers)
Two complimentary tickets to AlumNight - Cal-SOAP’s annual signature event
Your name or business will be placed in front of a beautiful raffle basket at the event
Your name or business will be listed under our Giving Partner Circle Page
Social media and community recognition through our newsletter (over 2K subscribers)
Four complimentary tickets to AlumNight - Cal-SOAP’s annual signature event
Advertisement, your business name and business cards will be placed in front of a beautiful raffle basket at the event
Publicly thanked as a sponsor to our AlumNight event
Your name or business will be listed under our Giving Partner Circle Page
Social media and community recognition through our newsletter (over 2K subscribers)
Six complimentary tickets to AlumNight - Cal-SOAP’s annual signature event
Advertisement, your business name and business cards will be placed in front of a beautiful raffle basket at the event
Opportunity to speak at our AlumNight event
Receive a one of a kind gift
Phone: 408.846.2484
Non-Profit Tax ID #: 94-1167402
290 I.O.O. F. Avenue Gilroy, CA 95020
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